Re-creating loved items into a Re-purposed life...

I love old stuff! Rescuing something off the curb that was on it's way to spending eternity in a landfill and giving it a Re-birth into something for your eye to behold! Well, hopefully!!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

TP, it can do more then wipe your ....

Not what you were expecting for an art medium, I get it.  Just think, its cheap, it's almost always around the house, and if I don't like it... flush... no one is the wiser. 

I gathered a few of my neglected rubber stamps, a roll of toilet paper, a cup of water and borrowed a few of the kids paint brushes.  I single layers painting the TP onto the stamp until I had about 15 layers of TP.  Carefully ripping the edges away from the stamp block to give a natural edge.  Something I think will look great if added to a piece of card stock for a greeting card.

Clean up couldn't be easier.  Such little mess.  Now to get out the water color paints and add some color, maybe some glue and card stock for a birthday card.  Hmmm, who will get it.  Who will know what it is?  lol. 

For a better explanation and other great ideas... please see the following link to Craft Gossip, as they deserve ALL the credit for finding and posting this little gem of a project!!